Monthly Archives: July 2023

SOTM-497 – Garsh Darnet

A very special episode of Spike On The Mic celebrating “Drive-through Day”, “Cousins Day”, “Tequila Day”, and more. Steve shares his most interesting stories, and we discuss the possibility of re-attaching his head.Video version… Audio version…

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SOTM-496 – Salvo

Spike and his resistance fighters gather on the fly rink to discuss what to do with our pineapple parts, what we’d do with a million pennies, Billie giving Chad the wind, and Steve firing a salvo from his boring Segway.Video … Continue reading

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SOTM-495 – Back From The Dead

After a four week absence, partially caused by P-Dub being in the hospital for 2 weeks, Spike and the “resistance fighters” are back and ready to go. Topics include a man opening a cocaine and heroin store, striking automobile sensors, … Continue reading

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